Sunday, December 26, 2010

George VI International Mail

Post War Surface Mail
(POST 6)

This article deals with surface mail to European destinations in the post-war period. On July 1, 1948 "all-up" service to most European countries was introduced. All-up service will be the subject of a future article in this series.

Rates (To June 30, 1948 )

Letter : 3d. for the first ounce and 1 1/2d. for each additional ounce
Post Card: 2d.
Printed Papers: 1/2 d. for the first two ounces
Registration : 3d.
Express Delivery: 6d.


Portishead Bristol to Vienna, May 29, 1946
3d. surface letter rate
Austrian censor and handstamp

Stockwell to St. Michael, July 26, 1946
6d. paying 3d. surface letter rate + 3d. registration fee
Censored in the British Zone handstamp and censor tape

Bath to Innsbruck, March 16, 1948
6d. paying 3d. surface letter rate + 3d. registration fee


Darlington to Anvers, March 14, 1947
3d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and British charge 8 gold centimes
Belgian tax 1.20 francs

Dues Analysis:

Dorchester to Brussels, July 17, 1947
3 d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and British charge 8 gold centimes
Belgian tax 1.10 francs

Dues Analysis:


Romford to Sadaska, September 26, 1945
3 d. surface letter rate
Returned because there was NO SERVICE EXCEPT BY AIR

London to Prague, January 1, 1948
3 d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and British charge 8 gold centimes
Czechoslovakian 1.4 karunas paid the postage due.

Dues Analysis:


Glasgow to Copenhagen, December 22, 1945
3 d. surface letter rate
Returned : Unknown

Guilford to Holte, October 26, 1947
2d. surface post card rate

York to Ordrupvej, February 27, 1948
3 d. surface letter rate


Manchestor to Helsinki, September 24, 1946
3d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and Finnish tax 3.5 marks


Stratford-on-Avon to Passenger on board SS. "Burma", Marseilles, June 23, 1947
3 d. surface letter rate
Shorpaid 1/2d. and British charge 8 gold centimes
French due 3 francs. Due stamp affixed and cancelled, June 27, 1947
Returned to Sender

South Kensington to Paris, November 21, 1947
2 d. post card rate


All-up service to Germany was introduced June 1, 1949.

Sutton to Nuremburg (U.S. Zone), March 27, 1947
3d. surface letter rate
Passed U.S. Civil Censorship Kulmbach

Market Harborough to Lubek (British Zone), May 11, 1947
Addressed to Lithuanian Displaced Persons camp

Guernsey to Hamburg, November 24, 1947
3d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d.
German tax 17 pfenning


Coatbridge Balzers, February 20, 1947
3d. surface letter rate

Shortpaid 1/2d. and taxed 10 francs


Exmouth to Leden, March 24, 1947
3 d. surface letter rate
Shorpaid 1/2d. and British charge 8 gold centimes
Dutch tax 7 cents

Dues Analysis:


All-up service to Poland was introduced on October 1, 1950.

London to Krakow, November 1946
Registered 6 ounce letter

13 1/2d. paying 10 1/2d. postage (6 ounce letter rate) + 3 d. registration fee

Polish label affixed to back of envelope, Krakow cancellation November 10, 1946

London to Gdynia, December 12, 1946
3 d. surface letter rate
Shorpaid 1/2d. and British charge 8 gold centimes
Polish tax paid. Dues cancelled December 20, 1946

Instructional handstamp on the back of the envelope


Edinburgh to Lund, February 1, 1947
3d. surface letter rate

London to Stockholm, APril 7, 1948
2d. surface post card rate
Unpaid and taxed 35 ore


Correspondence from Polish refugee at Chippenham Camp, near Ely
Ely to Red Cross Zurich, September 11, 1946
Street address added by Zurich Post Office, Zurich cancel September 11, 1946

Return address

Officially Paid letter
London to Geneva, October 25, 1947
Treated as an unpaid letter and taxed 60 centimes

London to Zurich, August 10, 1946
3 d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and British charge 8 gold centimes
Swiss dues affixed twice because the letter was redirected.

British charge 8 gold centimes

Swiss tax 10 centimes

10c stamp affixed August 13, 1946 Voided

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