United States
Post-War Period
(POST 14)
1. Letters
The prepaid rate of postage for letters to the United States was 2 1/2d. for the first ounce and 1d. for each additional ounce.

Wembley to New York, July 3, 1946
2 1/2d. surface letter rate
The Siemens and General Electric Railway Signal Company, Limited (S G / E) perfin

London to New York, July 24, 1950
National Portrait Gallery Economy Label

Cricklewood (London) to Cleveland, January 7, 1946
Addressograph-Multigraph Limited (A / M) perfin
"United Nations London 1945" slogan cancellation

London to Detroit, July 24, 1951
4 1/2d. paying the 3 ounce surface letter rate

Harold Hill & Son Limited
Newcastle-on-Tyne to Minneapolis, September 4, 1952
2 1/2d. denomination colour change from light ultramarine to scarlet
2. Postcards
The prepaid rate to the United States was 2d.

Penzance to Wailmanalo, Hawaii, August 29, 1949
Machine cancel did not cancel stamp. Handstamped by mail sorter on "Southwestern T.P.O. UP" August 29, 1940.
2d. surface post card rate

Paddington to Brooklyn, June 16, 1949
2d. surface post card rate
Shortpaid 1d. and taxed 14 gold centimes
U.S. due 3 cents
Dues Analysis:

Palmers Green to Philadelphia, December 9, 1950
2d. surface post card rate
1950 Christmas seal tied
3. Registration
a) To April 30, 1949
The registration fee was 3d. to be prepaid in addition to the postage.
(Not shown)
b) May 1, 1949 - April 30, 1952
The registration fee was increased to 4d.

London to Detroit, May 19, 1949
6 1/2d. paying 2 1/2d. surface letter rate + 4 d. registration fee

Woodford Green to Rochester,N.Y., September 13, 1949
6 1/2d. paying 2 1/2d. surface letter rate + 4 d. registration fee

London to Drexel Hill, Pa., December 2, 1949
6 1/2d. paying 2 1/2d. surface letter rate + 4 d. registration fee
c) From May 1, 1952
The registration fee was 6d.

London to North Tonawanda, October 1952
3 ounce registered surface letter
10 1/2d. paying 4 1/2d. surface letter rate (3 oz.) + 6 d. registration fee

Crowborough to Minneapolis, September 5, 1953
8 1/2d. stationery : 2 1/2d. surface letter rate + 6d. registration fee
4. Insurance
Foreign registration fees provided limited compensation for loss. To obtain additional protection for foreign mail, senders could insure their articles. Insurance in the Empire/British Commonwealth and foreign service was equivalent of registration in the inland service and afforded the same safeguards, i.e., the availability of compensation for loss up to £400.
Insured Value
The amount for which the article was insured was to written in ink by the sender both in words and in figures, at the top of the address side.
Insurance Fees
The fees for insurance, including registration, but in addition to postage, limited compensation from £12 to £400.

Plymouth to Cincinnati, March 24, 1950
Insured to £12
2 1/2d. surface letter rate + 6d. for insurance up to £12

Insured value written in ink in words and figures
5. Express Delivery
The express delivery service to the United States was 6d.

London to Cambridge, March 4, 1946
1 ounce express air mail letter
2/6d. air mail rate + 6d. express fee
6. Air Mail to January 16, 1947
(Airmail rates from January 17, 1947 will be covered in a future article)
The air mail letter rate to the United States was 1/3d. for each 1/2 ounce. The post card rate was 7d.

London to Schenectady, January 4, 1946
1/3d. air mail rate

Cambridge to Woodlands, New York, November 20, 1945
1/3d. air mail letter rate
Sent to Woodlands New Zealand
Re-directed to U.S.A. from New Zealand November 29, 1945

London to New York, February 28, 1946
1 ounce registered, express, air mail letter
2/6d. air mail rate + 3d. registration fee + 6d. express fee

London to Wabon, Mass., July 28, 1946
7d. air mail post card rate

Sunderland to Albany, Calif., July 16, 1946
7d. air mail post card rate
Prepaid 5d.
7. Printed Papers
a) To April 30, 1949
Not shown
b) May 1, 1949 - September 30, 1950
The foreign printed papers rate was increased to 1d. for each 2 ounces.

H.M. Stationery Office
London to Oak Park, Illinois, September 6, 1949
1d. printed papers rate

London to Washington, September 3, 1949
1d. printed papers rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and taxed 7 centimes
Dues Analysis:

c) From October 1, 1950
i) Standard Rate
The foreign printed papers rate was increased to 1 1/2d. for each 2 ounces.

London to Arliongton, 1952 slogan cancellation
1 1/2d. printed papers rate

To Saginaw, 1951
1 1/2d. printed papers rate

London to West Hartford, August 5, 1952
1 1/2d. printed papers rate
1 1/2d. denomination colour change from pale red-brown to green

London to San Lorenzo, Calif., July 13, 1951
1/4d. (16d.) paying the registered 40 ounce printed papers (book) rate

Registration label
ii) Reduced Rate
The foreign printed papers rate "Reduced Rate" applied to most newspapers and periodicals, to books and pamphlets of a literary character, and to maps and musical scores. The rate was 1d. for the first 2 ounces and 1/2d. for each additional 2 ounces.

Rickmansworth to Bradford, Ohio
Reduced Printed Papers rate
1 d. for the first 2 ounces

John O'London's Weekly
London to Chicago, November 22, 1951
Reduced printed papers rate
2d. paying the 6 ounce rate

1 1/2d. Paid Handstamp + 1/2d. postage stamp

Country Life
London to Columbus, 1952
Reduced printed papers rate
3d. paying the 10 ounce rate

7. Samples

To April 30, 1949

London to Philadelphia, November 26, 1946
Sample rate
3 1/2d. paying the 14 oz. rate
1d. first 4 ounces + 2 1/2d. for the next 10 ounces
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