Saturday, January 1, 2011

George VI International Mail
Post-War Period

(POST 11)

1. Letters

The prepaid rate of postage for letters to Canada was 2 1/2d. for the first ounce and 1d. for each additional ounce.

Dover to Toronto, November 25, 1947
2 1/2d. surface letter rate

Re-used envelope with Economy Label:

Southampton to Elora, June 16, 1945

President of The Board of Trade
London to Saint John, N.B., February 21, 1951
OHMS perfin

London to Montreal, December 17, 1948
3 1/2d. paying the 2 ounce rate ( 2 1/2d. for the first ounce and 1d. for the next ounce)

London to Montreal, June 24, 1948
7 1/2d. paying the 6 ounce surface letter rate

Latvian Legation London to Kapuskasing, February 5, 1948

Bournemouth-Poole to Dartmouth, June 22, 1953
2 1/2d. surface letter rate

Ship Mail

Liverpool to Regina
2 1/2d. surface letter rate
Posted at Sea and mailed at Halifax
Halifax Paquebot cancellation, November 27, 1945

Paquebot Posted At Sea Received No. 27 45 Halifax

Return address : 18, Water Street, Liverpool

2. Postcards

The prepaid rate to Canada was 2d.

Kingsdown to Oakville, January 18, 1947
2d. post card rate

Folkestone to Toronto, June 24, 1953
2d. surface post card rate

3. Registration

a) To April 30, 1949

The registration fee was 3d. to be prepaid in addition to the postage.

London to Ottawa, February 23, 1948
2 1/2d. surface letter rate + 3d. registration fee

b) May 1, 1949 - April 30, 1952

The registration fee was increased to 4d.

Birmingham to Port Arthur, August 19, 1949
2 1/2d. surface letter rate + 4d. registration fee

c) From May 1, 1952

The registration fee was 6d.

(Not Shown)

4. Express Delivery

Express delivery service to Canada was not available.

5. Air Mail to January 16, 1947

(Airmail rates from January 17, 1947 will be covered in a future article)

Air mail service was available to Canada on payment of special postage rates.

a) By Sea then by Air

The rate was 5d. for each 1/2 ounce.

Durham to Toronto, August 18, 1946
5d. "SEA-and-AIR" Service

b) Transatlantic Service

The rate was 1/3d. for each 1/2 ounce.

London to Toronto, January 2, 1947
1/3d. air mail rate

Linotype & Machinery Limited (L & M / LD) perfin

London to Toronto, December 21, 1945
United Nations Slogan cancellation

Attorney General, London to Calgary, December 21, 1945
2/6d. paying the 1 ounce rate

Attorney General
Embossed on envelope and wax seal

6. Printed Papers

a) To April 30, 1949

The prepaid rate was 1/2d. for every 2 ounces.

b) May 1, 1949 - September 30, 1950

The foreign printed papers rate was increased to 1d. for each 2 ounces.

London to Victoria, February 28, 1950
1d. printed papers rate

c) From October 1, 1950

The foreign printed papers rate was increased to 1 1/2d. for each 2 ounces.

London to Toronto, October 20, 1952
1 1/2d. printed papers rate

London to Toronto, 1953

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