(Post 42)
The Universal Postal Union (UPU) rules allowed destination countries to charge a fee for international mail sent to a poste restante (general delivery) address provided those countries also imposed a charge on inland poste restante mail.
This article shows poste restante mail from Great Britain to countries that charged for this service. (Since Great Britain did not charge a poste restante fee on inland mail, the British Post Office did not impose a charge on incoming poste restante mail.)

Lymington to Buenos Aires, July 17, 1939
Poste Restante fee 10 centavos
Poste restante was referred to as "Post Lagernd" in Austria.

Guildford to Schruns, September 1, 1950

Poste restante (Post Lagernd) fee 20 groshen
Shruns, September 4, 1950

Bedford to Solden, August 29, 1951
Poste restante (Post Lagernd) fee 20 groshen

Coulsdon to Carlton Hotel, St. Moritz, Switzerland, March 8, 1938
Redirected to Poste Restante, St. Raphael France, March 9, 1938
Poste Restante fee 30 centimes

Streatham to Lloyds Bank Ltd. (forwarding agent)London, March 5, 1939
Forwarded to Poste Restante, Giron France, March 6, 1939 ( 1d. stamp affixed)
Poste Restante fee 30 centimes, St. Girons postmark March 8, 1939

Inland letter to Burwash, June 1938
Re-directed to Poste Restante, Annecy, France (1d. stamp affixed)
10 x 30 centimes paying the poste restante fee for 10 items
Poste restante was referred to as "Fermo Posta" in Italy.

Southampton to Milan, August 4, 1937
Poste Restante ( Fermo Posta) fee 25 centesimi
Milan postmark August 8, 1937

London to Florence (Firenze), June 23, 1938
Poste Restante ( Fermo Posta) fee 25 centesimi
0.25 handstamp
Firenze postmark June 30, 1938
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