International Destinations
George VI Period
(Post 41)
Unpaid or short paid international letters and post cards were liable to a charge equal to double the amount of the deficient postage, to be paid by the addressee. The country of origin applied a "T" (tax) mark on the underpaid correspondence with the amount due in UPU gold centimes.
UPU Monetary Unit
(The UPU monetary unit was the gold franc of 100 centimes of a weight of 10/31 of a gramme and of a fineness of 0.900. The gold franc was a notional currency. No country actually minted the UPU franc. Nations converted their currencies to gold francs based on the definition above.)
British pence - UPU gold centimes conversions
The value of the British pence in relation to the gold centime changed several times during the George VI period.

This article shows examples of underpaid international surface letters and post cards taxed by the British Post Office during each of the pence to centime conversion periods. (Empire destinations are not shown)
Furfie, Michael, British Civilian Postage Rates of the 20th Century (published by the author 2000)
Snelson, K., UK Taxe Marks for International Mail 1875-2000 Usage & Listing (By the author 2007)
Period 1
1d. = 10 centimes (to April 31, 1940)

London to Prague, February 21, 1938
2 ounce letter, rate 4d. (all-up)
Shortpaid 1 d. and taxed 2 korunas

Truro to Ceske Budejovice, August 1, 1938
1 1/2d. all up surface post card rate
Shortpaid 1d. and taxed 1 koruna
Dues Analysis:


Glasgow to Vesterborg, Denmark, August 9, 1939
2 1/2d. all-up surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1 d. and taxed 24 ore
Dues Analysis:

Manchester to Silkiborge, May 13, 1938
2 1/2d. all-up surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1 d. and taxed 24 ore
Dues Analysis:


London to Tallinn, Estonia, February 16, 1940
2 1/2d. letter rate
Shortpaid 1 d.
British Taxation: 20 gold centimes (double deficiency x 10 gold centimes/1d.)
Estonian Taxation : 24 senti ( 20 gold centimes x 30 senti/25 gold centimes)

British marking : T20 (gold centimes) Estonian marking : 24 (senti)

Glasgow to Helsinki, August 18, 1938
2 1/2 d. all-up rate
Shortpaid 1 d. and taxed 2.8 marks
Dues Analysis


Portsmouth to Paris, July 18, 1938
1 1/2d. post card rate
Shortpaid 1/2d and taxed 70 c.
Dues Analysis

Glasgow to Pont-du-Leu, February 23, 1940
2 1/2d. letter rate
Shortpaid 1 d.
British taxation 20 gold centimes French due 2 francs
Dues Analysis

French Morocco

London to passenger on the S.S. "Stratheden", Casablanca, August 2, 1939
Casablanca receiver August 6, 1939
Shortpaid 1d. and taxed 20 gold centimes by London post office
French Morocco due 1.80 francs
Dues Analysis:


Altrincham to Athens, Greece, September 24, 1939
2 1/2d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1d. and taxed 20 gold centimes (No Greek tax marking)

London to Budapest, September 31, 1937
2 ounce letter (37g) rate 4d.
Prepaid 3d., thus shortpaid 1 d.
British tax : T 20 (pencil)
Hungarian tax: 32 fillers

Windsor to Budapest, May 28, 1939
Novelty postcard treated as a letter by the Hungarian Post Office
Taxed 16 fillers


Sheffileld to Tehran, Iran, December 9 1938
4d. surface letter rate for 2 ounces
Shortpaid 1/2d. and taxed 10 gold centimes
Iranian charge 1 rial

British 10 gold centimes due

Iranian 1 rial due

London to Mantova, January 22, 1939
2 1/2 d. all-up letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and taxed 50 cent.


Walton-on-Thames to St. Julien's, Malta, May 13, 1937
4 d. air mail rate
Shortpaid 1 d. and taxed 2d. by Malta post office


London to Amsterdam, April 18, 1938
2 1/2d. all-up surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1d
British tax = 20 gold centimes
Dutch Conversion = 10 cents

Birmingham to Groningen, Netherlands, March 29, 1940
4d. two ounce rate
Incorrectly considered to be shortpaid because the meter tape was folded on the back of the envelope.
Taxed 20 cents by Dutch post office

The meter strip had two impressions of the 2d. value

West Bromwich to Lisbon, Portugal, July 11, 1940
3d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and taxed 75 centavos

Lisbon receiver, July 20, 1940
60 c due (1921-27 series)
10c and 5 c dues ( 1932-33 series)
Dues analysis:


Leeds to Bucharest, Romania, October 3, 1938
2 1/2d. all-up letter rate
Shortpaid 1d. and taxed 8 lei

8 lei postage due
Bucharest, October 8, 1938
Dues Analysis


Newcastle-on-Tyne to Lund, Sweden, September 23, 1938
1 1/2d. all-up post card rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and taxed 15 ore
Dues Analysis

Bradford to Norkoping, October 4, 1938
2 1/2d. all-up surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1 d. and charged 25 ore
Dues Analysis


Birmingham to Bienne, Switzerland, July 26, 1938
2 1/2d. all-up letter rate
Shortpaid 1d.
Swiss tax : 25 centimes
Dues Analysis

Warrington to Lucerne, August 8, 1938
2 1/2d. all-up letter rate
Shortpaid 1d.
Swiss tax : 25 centimes
Dues Analysis


London to Montevideo, July 6, 1937
2 1/2d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1d. and taxed 20 gold centimes
Uruguay due was 9 centesimos
Period 2
1 d. = 8 centimes(May 1, 1940 - August, 1948)
a) Incorrect Taxation
The covers shown below were taxed at the old rate of 1d. = 10 centimes.

West Kensington to Santiago, Chile, May 21, 1940
3d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and taxed 10 gold centimes

T 1o (gold centimes)

Southsea to Shanghai, July 27, 1940
3d. surface letter rate
1/2d. shortpaid
British tax : 10 gold centimes
Chinese tax: 17 cents

British "T 10" and Chinese due "17" in blue pencil

Shanghai cancellation on the postage due stamps September 26, 1940
b) Correct Taxation (1d. = 8 centimes)

Barnard Castle to Alger, August 21, 1944
3d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and taxed 8 gold centimes
Algerian due "1fr 30" written above dater
Dues affixed and cancelled with blue crayon

British T 8 (gold centimes)

Algeria tax "1 fr. 30"
Dues Analysis


Darlington to Anvers, March 14, 1947
3d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and British charge 8 gold centimes
Belgian tax 1.20 francs
Dues Analysis:

Dorchester to Brussels, July 17, 1947
3 d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and British charge 8 gold centimes
Belgian tax 1.10 francs
Dues Analysis:


London to Prague, January 1, 1948
3 d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and British charge 8 gold centimes
Czechoslovakian 1.4 karunas paid the postage due.
Dues Analysis:


Stratford-on-Avon to Passenger on board SS. "Burma", Marseilles, June 23, 1947
3 d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and British charge 8 gold centimes
French due 3 francs. Due stamp affixed and cancelled, June 27, 1947
Returned to Sender

Slough to Etretat, August 23, 1948
Shortpaid 1/2d. and British charge 8 gold centimes due
French tax 6 francs
Dues cancelled August 25, 1948
Dues Analysis:


Exmouth to Leden, March 24, 1947
3 d. surface letter rate
Shorpaid 1/2d. and British charge 8 gold centimes
Dutch tax 7 cents
Dues Analysis:


London to Gdynia, December 12, 1946
3 d. surface letter rate
Shorpaid 1/2d. and British charge 8 gold centimes
Polish tax paid. Dues cancelled December 20, 1946

Instructional handstamp on the back of the envelope

London ( G A Co perfin) to the Swiss Reinsurance Company, Zurich, March 24, 1944
3d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d.
British tax : 8 gold centimes
Swiss tax: 10 Swiss centimes

German censor Paris (X at bottom of handstamp)

London to Zurich, August 10, 1946
3 d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and British charge 8 gold centimes
Swiss dues affixed twice because the letter was redirected.

British charge 8 gold centimes

Swiss tax 10 centimes

Tax affixed August 13, 1946 Voided

London to Istanbul, Turkey, October 10, 1944
3 d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d.
British charge : 8 gold centimes
Turkish Due : 3 kurush

3 kurush definitive stamp paying the postage due
3. September 1, 1948 - September 30, 1952 : 1d. = 7 centimes

London to Sao Paulo, December 2, 1948
3d. surface letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d. and correctly taxed 7 centimes by the British Post Office
Brazil dues 500 reis affixed and cancelled

British tax marking
7 centimes

Poplar to Norway, March 7 1950
3d. "All-Up" letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2 d.
Norwegian tax 14 ore


Cambridge to Zurich, January 10, 1949
3d. "All-Up" letter rate
Shortpaid 1/2d.
British tax : 7 gold centimes
Swiss charge : 15 Swiss centimes
Dues Analysis

United States

Paddington to Brooklyn, June 16, 1949
2d. surface post card rate
Shortpaid 1d. and taxed 14 gold centimes
U.S. due 3 cents
Dues Analysis:

Period 4 1 d. = 5 centimes (from October 1, 1952)

Glasgow to Odense, June 30, 1951
Shortpaid 1d.
British Tax : 10 gold centimes
Danish charge : 25 ore

Instructional handstamp on back of envelope

Glasgow Taxe

25 ore due

Machine due, July 3, 1951

London to Kalundorg, March 26, 1952
4d. "All-Up" letter rate
Shortpaid 1d.
British Tax : 10 gold centimes
Danish charge : 25 ore
Dues Analysis


London to Paris, February 2, 1951
Shortpaid 1d.
British tax : 10 gold centimes
French due : 12 francs

Chester to British Embassy, Paris, November 7, 1951
4d. "All-Up" letter rate
Shortpaid, refused and returned

Sender charged 3d.

Taunton to Amsterdam, March 13, 1952
4d. "All-Up" letter rate
Shortpaid 1 1/2d.
British tax: 15 gold centimes
Netherlands due: 15 cents
Dues Analysis


Dundee to Uppsala, April 10 1952
Shortpaid 1 1/2d.
Dues Analysis

Excellent research. What references do you use to determine the conversion of various foreign countries' currencies to gold centimes across time?